NR03340   精裝    NT$ 2,000 售完・缺書
NR03341   平裝    
NT$ 1,100 售完・缺書

Harmony and Integrity: The Yongzheng Emperor and His Times


 清世宗雍正皇帝是清朝入關後第三代君主,姓愛新覺羅,名胤禛,生於康熙十七年(1678),卒於雍正(1735),在位十三年,死後追諡憲皇帝,廟號世宗,年號雍正,人們習稱他為雍正皇帝。 「雍正——清世宗文物大展」主要是以國立故宮博物院豐富典藏及北京故宮博物院三十七件精品,鋪陳雍正其人、其政及其藝術文化成就。


This epic exhibition catalogue features mostly works from the rich collection of the National Palace Museum along with 37 fine objects loaned from the Palace Museum in Beijing and others. Taken together, this display portrays the life and times of the Yongzheng Emperor along with the achievements in art and culture during his reign. Fully illustrated, this catalogue features a splendid variety of cultural objects from the Qing court in eleven categories that fully explain the person behind them -- the Yongzheng Emperor.