PR0550  MIHO美術館-南館圖錄(中國、東洋編)
        精裝  NT$3,000(恕不打折)
        平裝  NT$2,600(恕不打折)

PR0552  MIHO美術館-北館圖錄(日本編)
        精裝  NT$2,500(恕不打折)
        平裝  NT$2,200(恕不打折)


PR0551 MIHO Museum-South Wing
This is a catalog of objects in the opening exhibition of the Miho Museum's South Wing, which houses the museum's renowned galleries of Chinese Art, Egyptian Art, West Asian Art, Classical Art, South Asian Art, and Islamic Art. Highlights of Chinese art are ancient and inlaid bronzes, jade, laquer, ceramic tomb figures, Buddhist and secular stone sculpture, and gold and silver ware. South Asian Art features several important Gandhara sculptures. Illustrating an extraordinary range of objects, the catalog includes seven fresh essays by scholars who specialize in each region.

PR0553 MIHO Museum-Nouth Wing
The North Wing of the Miho Museum houses its collection of Japanese art, which consists mainly of Buddhist art, ceramics, lacquerware, painting, calligraphy, tea utensils, and decorative art of the modern age. Notable works include a statue of the bodhisattva Jizo, ceramics from the six old kilns of Japan, paintings in the Yamato-e and Rimpa styles, and over fifty ceramic works by Ogata Kenza.