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編號 書名 著者 出版社 出版年 定價 備註
OO0011 供石觀 The Spirit of Gongshi:Chinese Scholar's Rocks(P) Kemin Hu L.H.Inc. 1999 1,800 21.5x28/128P/中英對照/彩色圖版218幅/9781878529510
OO0012 怪石-Spirit Stones of China(H)(絕版) Stephen Little The Art Institute of Chicago 1999 絕版 19.5X26/英/112P/黑白圖版66幅/0520220455
OO0013 Art of the Natural World-Resonances of Wild Nature in Chinese Sculptural Art(H) Valerie C.Doran MFA Publications 2001 1,650 19x25.5/英/157P/彩色圖版101幅/黑白圖版20幅/9780878466238
OO0014 Awakening the Soul-The National Viewing Stone Collection(P) Joe Mullan The National Bonsai Foundation 2000 絕版 26.5X23/英/88P/彩色圖版61幅/9780970439215
OO00161 Five Thousand Years of GLASS(P) Hugh Tait 編 British Museum Press 1999 1,150 22x27.5/英/256P/彩色圖版266幅/黑白圖版214幅/9780812218886
OO00205 Treasures of the Kazakh Steppes-Of Gold and Grass:Nomads of Kazakhstan(H)(定價1,800) 特展圖錄 Foundation for Inl.Arts&Edu. 2006 特價
OO00212 East Asian Lacquers in the Collection of the Seattle Art Museum(P) Michael Knight Seattle Art Museum 1992 220 19x24/英/30P/彩色圖版22幅/0932216420
OO00213 Ivories in the Collection of the Seattle Art Museum(P) Gail Joice Seattle Art Museum 1987 220 19x24/英/27P/黑白圖版19幅/0932216250
OO00255 Modern Chinese Scholar's Rocks-A Guide for Collectors(P) Kemin Hu Floating World 2006 1,200 18x22.5/英/143P/全彩色圖版/9781891640346
OO00256 The Romance of Scholar's Stones:Adventures in Appreciation(頑石山房藏石心路)(恕不打折)(H) Kemin Hu Floating World 2011 2,250 22.5x28.5/英/147P/全彩色圖版/9781891640612
OO00301 Four Centuries of Silver-Personal Adornment in the Qing Dynasty and After(P) Margaret Duda Times Editions 2002 1,800 24x27/英/208P/全彩色圖版/9781588860316
OO00341 Masterpieces of Chinese Lacquer from the Mike Healy Collection(H) 特展圖錄 Honolulu Academy of Arts 2002 1,075 23x30.5/英/88P/藏品30件/全彩色圖版/0937426660
OO00361 The Artful Teapot(H)(原價1,500) Garth Clark T&H Ltd. 2001 特價
OO00362 Basketry-A World Guide to Traditional Techniques(H) Bryan Sentence T&H Ltd. 2001 1,700 24x28/英/216P/彩色圖版697幅/黑白圖版136幅/9780500286708
OO0065 Chinese Carving(H) Craig Clunas Sun Tree 1996 2,000 22X31/英/103P/彩色圖版103幅/9813066121
OO0066 The Art of Rhinoceros Horn Carving in China:中國的犀牛角雕刻藝術(H) Jan Chapman 著 CHRISTIE'S BOOK 1999 絕版
OO00951 Gold Jewelry and Ornaments of Malaysia(P)(原價800) 展覽圖錄 Muzium Negara, Kuala Lumpur 1988 特價
OO01001 The Golden Deer of Eurasia-Scythian and Sarmatian Treasure from the Russian Steppes(P) 特展圖錄 The Metropolitan Museum of Art 2000 1,600 22.5x30/303P/英/彩色圖版212幅/9780300085105
OO01002 The Golden Deer of Eurasia-Perspectives on the Steppe Nomads of the Ancient World(P) 特展圖錄 The Metropolitan Museum of Art 2006 1,450 19.5x25.5/英/243P/彩色圖版/9780300124033
OO01101 Treasures of the Chinese Schlolar(集珍齋)(P) Fang Jing Pei 著 Weather Hill 1997 1,600 25.5X26/英/165P/彩色圖版173幅
OO01102 The Suyuan Stone(素園石譜) Catalogue-Scholars' Rocks in Ancient China (H) Kemin Hu Weather Hill 2002 絶版 21.5x28/英/163P/彩色圖版188幅/9789745240162
OO01103 The Inro Handbook-Study of Netsuke,Inro and Lacguer(H)(原價3,000) Raymond Bushell Weatherhill 1979 特價
OO01104 Collector's Netsuke(H)(原價1,900) Raymond Bushell Weatherhill 1971 特價
OO01105 Netsuke-Familiar & Unfamiliar-New Principles for Collecting(H)(原價3,000) Raymond Bushell Weatherhill 1975 特價
OO01106 The Art of Netsuke Carving-by Masatoshi as to Raymond Bushell(H)(原價3,200) Raymond Bushell Weatherhill 1992 特價
OO01107 Netsuke Masks(H)(原價3,200) Raymond Bushell Weatherhill 1995 特價
OO01400 Personal Ornaments of The Joseon Dynasty(P) Soon Young Min Sookmyung Women's University 2005 1,200 23x21.5/韓&英中caption/129P/彩色圖版96幅
OO01500 Flames of Devotion:Oil Lamps from South and Southeast Asia and the Himalayas(恕不打折)(P) Sean Anderson UCLA FOWLER MUSEUM 2006 1,250 20x25/英/111P/彩色圖版79幅/9780974872933
OO01701 Beyond Suiseki-Ancient Asian Viewing Stones of The 21st Century(H) Foreword by Kemin Hu Water Stone Press 2006 1,200 20.5x25.5/英/141P/彩色圖版50幅/9780979372902
OO01800 Khmer Gold-Gifts for the Gods(H) Emma C.Bunker, Douglas A.J.Latchford Art Media Resources 2008 3,000 21x29.5/英/147P/彩色圖版112幅/黑白圖版9幅/9781588860972
OO02001 1000 GLASS BEADS:Innovation&Imagination in Contemporary Glass Beadmaking (P) Cathy Finegan LARK BOOKS 2005 1,122 20.5x20.5/中/408P/彩色圖版522幅/9781579904586
OO02002 The Complete Book of Glass Beadmaking (H) Kimberley Adams LARK BOOKS 2005 1,122 21.5x25.5/中/176P/全彩色圖版/1579905722
OO020041 Traditional Chinese Toggles:Counterweights and Charms(中國傳統掛件:平衡物與吉祥掛飾)(H) Margaret Duda Editions Didier Millet 2011 4,275 24.5x29.5/英/272P/彩色插圖1314幅/9789814260619
OO020051 Asian Ivory(H) Jeffrey B. Snyder Schiffer Publishing 2007 3,600 23.5x31/英/256P/彩色圖版約250幅/9780764327285
OO020061 Zhan Wang(展望):The New Suyuan Stone Catalogue(新素園石譜)(H) Huang Du Charta 2011 2,100 21.5x28/英/143P/彩色插圖106幅/9788881588053


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