


1P 2P 3P 4P 5P 6P 7P 8P 9P 10P 11P 12P

編號 書名 著者 出版社 出版年 定價 備註
OT00071 Transmitting the Forms of Divinity-Early Buddhist Art from Korea and Japan(H) Washizuka Hiromitsu Japan Society, N.Y. 2003 2,500 23x28/英/384P/彩色圖版115幅/黑白圖版160幅/9780913304549
OT00081 Early Sino-Tibetan Art (第2版)(H) Heather Stoddard Orchid Press 2008 2,250 21x28.5/英/140P/彩色圖版28幅/黑白圖版42幅/9789745240360
OT00151 The Art of South and Southeast Asia:A Resource for Educators(texts, slides, posters, and a CD-ROM)(H) Steven M.Kossak The Metropolitan Museum of Art 2001 3,200 21.5x28/英/156P/彩色圖版21幅/黑白圖版22幅/幻燈片40張/9780300088977
OT00160 TABO-A Lamp for the Kingdom-Early Indo-Tibetan Buddhist Art in the Western Himalaya(H) Deborah E.Klimburg-salter Skira Editore 1997 2,500
OT00170 The Kingdom of Siam-The Art of Central Thailand,1350-1800(P) 特展圖錄 Asian Art Museum of San Francisco 2005 1,200 22x30.5/英/197P/彩色圖版216幅/9781588860859
OT00180 CHOLA-Sacred Bronzes of Southern India(H) 特展圖錄 Royal Academy of Arts, London 2006 2,700 22x30/英/157P/彩色圖版45幅/9781903973837
OT00205 The Dalai Lama's Secret Temple-Tantric Wall Paintings from Tibet(恕不打折)(H) Ian A.Baker Thames&
Hudson Ltd.
2000 2,925 25x33/英/216P/彩色圖版150幅/黑白圖版28幅/9780500510032
OT00210 The Ajanta Caves-Ancient Paintings of Buddhist India(P) Benoy K. Behl Thames & Hudson 2005 1,750 25x30/英/256P/彩色圖版189幅/9780500285015
OT00290 Buddhism between Tibet and China(P) Matthew T.Kapstein 編 Wisdom Publications 2009 1,400 15x23/英/453P/9780861715817
OT00291 Deities of Tibetan Buddhism:The Zurich Paintings of the Icons Worthwhile to See(H) Martin Willson & Brauen Wisdom Publications 2000 10,800 29.5x25.5/英/602P/彩色圖版510幅/0861710983
OT00401 Ruthless Compassion-Wrathful Deities in Early Indo-Tibetan Esoteric Buddhist Art(H) Rob Linrothe SERINDIA PUBLICATIONS 1999 2,200 22.5X30/英/354P/彩色圖版16幅/黑白圖版221幅/9780906026519
OT00402 Kathmandu Valley Painting-The Jucker Collection(H) Hugo E.Kreijger SERINDIA PUBLICATIONS 1999 2,200 22.5X30/英/144P/彩色圖版100幅/9780906026526
OT00403 PATAN Museum-The Transformation of a Royal Palace in Nepal(H) Gotz Hagmuller SERINDIA PUBLICATIONS 2003 2,200
OT00404 Secret Visions of the Fifth Dalai Lama(P) Samten Karmay SERINDIA PUBLICATIONS 1998 絕版 24.5X34.5/英/160P/彩色圖版86幅/9780906026205
OT00405 Oriental Medicine-An Illustrated Guide to the Asian Arts of Healing(H) Jan Van Alphen SERINDIA PUBLICATIONS 1995 1,400 22.5X30/英/272P/彩色圖版190幅/黑白圖版40幅/0906026369
OT00406 The Circle of Bliss-Buddhist Meditational Art(H) John C.Huntington & Dina Bangdel SERINDIA PUBLICATIONS 2003 絕版 24.5x32.5/英/560P/彩色圖版300幅以上/1932476016
OT00407 Portraits of the Masters-Bronze Sculptures of the Tibetan Buddhist Lineages(H) Donald Dinwiddie SERINDIA PUBLICATIONS 2003 5,800 27x32/英/396P/彩色圖版300幅/插圖38幅/1932476008
OT00408 The Handbook of Tibetan Buddhist Symbols(P) Robert Beer SERINDIA PUBLICATIONS 2003 1,000 18x23.5/英/276P/插圖230幅以上/1932476032
OT00409 Seeing Lhasa-British Depictions of the Tibetan Capital 1936-1947(P) Clare Harris & Tsering Shakya SERINDIA Publications 2003 1,600 22x28/英/175P/彩色圖版150幅/插圖多/9781932476040
OT00410 Aurel Stein on the Silk Road(H) Susan Whitfield SERINDIA Publications 2004 1,400 24.5x24.5/英/143P/彩色圖版68幅/黑白圖版36幅/9781932476118


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