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1P 2P 3P 4P 5P 6P 7P 8P 9P 10P 11P 12P 13P 14P 15P 16P 17P 18P 19P

Item No. Title Author/
Publisher Pub-
Price Contetns
CC0500 National Treasures Collection of Rare Cultural Relics of Shaanxi Province-Three-Colour Glazed Pottery (H) Chen Anli Shanxi People's Educational Publishing House 1998 3,200 24X33.5/Chi. with Eng. caption/276P/125 color plates
CC0510 Chinese Folk Porcelainwares (H) Zhang Xiaoguang Shiyou Univ. Publishing House 1997 2,250 22X29/Chi./256P/587 color plates
CC0575 Collection of Marks on Chinese Ceramics (P) Guan Baocong Liaoning Photo Publishing House 1996 680 14X20.5/Chi./142P/over 100 color plates
CC0577 Chinese Folk Blue & White Porcelain (H) Guan Baocong Liaoning Photo Publishing House 1999 3,000 21X29/Chi./370P/309 color plates
CC06401 中國歷史名窯大系(第一輯)鈞窯(P) Zhao Qingyun Wenhui Publishing House 2001 700 14.5x21/Chi./212P/203 color plates
CC06402 中國歷史名窯大系(第一輯)玉溪窯(P) Ma Wendou Wenhui Publishing House 2001 700 14.5x21/Chi./210P/197 color plates
CC06403 中國歷史名窯大系(第一輯):洪州窯(P) Zhang Wenjiang Wenhui Publishing House 2002 700 14.5x21/Chi./209P/273 color plates
CC06404 中國歷史名窯大系(第一輯):吉州永和窯(P) Gao Liren Wenhui Publishing House 2002 700 14.5x21/Chi./212P/157 color plates
CC06405 中國歷史名窯大系(第一輯):汝窯(P) Zhao Wenjun Wenhui Publishing House 2002 700 14.5x21/Chi./212P/177 color plates
CC0641 元代青花瓷(H) Zhu Yuping Wenhui Publishing House 2000 1,900 22X29/Chi./287P/327 color plates
CC0660 磁州窯瓷枕(H) Zhang Ziying People's Fine Arts Publishing House 2000 700 19.5X27/Chi./320P/ 27 color plates/151 B&W plates/23 illustrations
CC06900 民間秘藏中國古陶瓷鑒賞-先德精舍藏品擷珍(H) Fei Guanghui Fujian Fine Arts Publishing House 2001 1,200 21x29/Chi./150P/211 color plates
CC06901 陶魂-獲獎作品經典(H) Wu Daru Fujian Fine Arts Publishing House 2001 3,900 21x29/Chi. with Eng. abstract/318P/294 color plates
CC0700 The Compendium of Chinese Art-Ceramics (H) Institute of Archaeology, CASS Shanghai Cishu Publising House 1998 3,000 25X29.5/Chi./502P/947 color plates


1P 2P 3P 4P 5P 6P 7P 8P 9P 10P 11P 12P 13P 14P 15P 16P 17P 18P 19P

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